Lavender Oil 10ml


The  name lavender comes from the Latin verb “lavare,” meaning “to wash” and in ancient Rome, lavender was used as a bath additive.  It is promoted as a dietary supplement for anxiety, depression, digestive symptoms, and other conditions. It is also promoted for topical use (application to the skin) and use in aromatherapy.


  • Improve Sleep
  • Relieves Anxiety
  • Stimulates Hair Growth
  • Nausea Relief
  • Nourishes Skin
  • Calms Insect Bites
  • Fragrance


  • Add a few drops of lavender to your pillows or bedding at bedtime for a more peaceful nights sleep.
  • Freshen your linen, your car or the air when combining lavender oil with water in a spray bottle.
  • Apply to insect bites and small cuts to calm inflammation.
  • Steam or diffuse to reduce anxiety.
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal Use: Dilute one drop in 30ml of liquid.
Topical use: Dilute 1 drop essential oil to 10 drops carrier oil.
Storage: Keep in a cool dry place, with no direct sunlight.


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